Turkey-with-stuffing-in-your bellies, nonvegetarian colleagues, it's time to jump back on the LinkedIn train. You vegetarian tofu-turkey types are also welcome to join in the frivolity. We're currently on an hilarious journey through ProfileLand.
Of course, you’re in Edit Profile mode. You'll live in that mode, right, at least until this puppy is done.
Additional Information. In addition to all of the information you have provided, there are other categories you might want to consider (click Edit):
1. Websites: List your institutional, business, personal, and/or blog sites. Click dropdown to identify type of site.
2. Interests: List professional and personal interests and hobbies.
3. Groups and Associations: List professional associations, but hold leadership positions for Honors next. Here you can also list your LinkedIn groups when you join them. There are a bunch of higher education and alumni groups.
4. Honors and Awards: Create headings for this section appropriate to your achievements, such as Editorial Boards, National Association Leadership, and Awards. This is the place for your Nobel, Pulitzer, Tony, Academy, and other awards. Click Save Changes.
Personal Information. Supply your Phone, IM, Address, and Birthday, Year (yeah right!), and Marital Status from dropdowns. When you’re done, click Save Changes.
Contact Settings. Check Types of Messages You Will Receive and Opportunity Preferences. Add Specific Advice to Users if you like. Click Save Changes.
Applications. It's AP time. Click Add an Application on the right to review options.
What’s Next? We skipped some information in the Brief Profile at top and the Update box. We will complete that next. Then I'll move on to Recommendations and how to dig up Connections for your network.
COPYRIGHT © 2010 Ronald A. Berk, LLC
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