I recently Googled “PowerPoint,” “Presentations,” and “Conference Presentations” to make sure I am not spewing material you could obtain elsewhere. I’m NOT. However, I encourage you to peruse Microsoft’s recommendations and those by other “experts” on communication principles with PowerPoint.
THEIR INTENT is: To present a nice, neat, semi-interesting, professional presentation of important information.
OUR HERO’S INTENT is (Watch out! Are ya ready?): To deliver the same information while connecting, engaging, exciting, entertaining, motivating, and, maybe even, inspiring your audience so that their presentation experience with you is unforgettable and the information memorable. Your audience should be on the edges of their uncomfortable seats, not relaxed and passive in a beach lounger. That’s kinda like teaching, but without the students, although I recommend the same approach in the classroom.
My suggestions in these blogs will blow the traditional PowerPoint recommendations to smithereens. Will I violate the rules? You bet. They will be shredded, ground into pulp, and smashed into PowerPoint road kill. (Note: I apologize for the violence in this disclaimer. Sometimes I get carried away.) For example, I tried the recommended traditional, one color slide-same font approaches. Guess what? The slides were as boring as the content on them. (Sidebar: As a former freelance photographer, I learned early on that if a picture doesn’t elicit some feeling [positive or negative] by the viewer, then it should be discarded as ineffective.)
NEW RULE FOR POWERPOINT: That rule should apply to our PowerPoint slides. Our audience should be emotionally involved in our presentation. That begins with the slides. A spiritless, unemotional reaction to our slides is totally unacceptable. If my strategy is making you nervous or you already started throwing up in this 1st paragraph, you might want to get a vomit bag or close this blog.
BERK'S GOAL: To arm you with the tools to create break-the-mold presentations, not create a moldy audience as they drift into a coma.
BERK'S AUDIENCE ASSUMPTIONS: I assume every audience to whom I present has better things to do with its valuable time than attend my session. The cynics and know-it-alls are thinking: “Tell me something I DON’T already know.” The students probably have the attention span of goat cheese and mentally operate at “twitch speed.”
THE CHALLENGE: Open the presentation with a bang and sustain that bang or you’ll lose them. It’s opening night on Broadway!
4. SOUND EFFECTS (Continued)
As we continue merrily along on our sound effect journey, it’s now time to reveal for the 1st time anywhere on earth: my faves. Maybe you already picked some of the same effects from the sources suggested in my previous blog. Sound effect drum roll, please. OOPS! I forgot sound effects are illegal in blogs! Here ‘tis picks:
Soda can crinkle
Drum roll
Comical descent
Comical metal gong
Film leader blip
Film take scene
Gadget sound
Frog croak
Paper wadded up
Tear paper
Tire screech
Unzip metal zipper
UFO sweep
INSERT EFFECTS INTO PP: As noted in my previous blog, click Insert and take a bite out of your sandwich. UMMM. Sorry, I got distracted. The effects that you selected should be saved in your file in a folder or somewhere hangin’ around waiting for you to pick them. They’re probably getting lonely and anxious for your attention.
Here’s the step-by-step to insert the effects:
a. On the drop down, click Sound from File
b. Pick your effect and click it
c. Click OK
d. Click Automatically
e. Drag sound effect “speaker” icon to left or right off slide
f. Under Custom Animation in right margin, to right of Start, click After Previous, With Previous, or Click, depending on how you want to control timing of effect
g. Use the effect with an animated title, line, or word
Any ideas yet on how you can create a powerhouse PP with emotional impact? I hope a few of the preceding strategies have struck a chord or your fancy. Hold on to your fancy. I’ll be adding music and videos in the next few blogs. Do any of these techniques actually work for you? Let me know.
COPYRIGHT © 2009 Ronald A. Berk, LLC
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