Sunday, May 23, 2010


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The next level is the item, where a statistic such as a mean or median is reported. Since most anchor distributions are usually negatively skewed and answers are on a ranked, or ordinal, scale, the median is the most appropriate measure of central tendency. However, given the range of distributions that can occur, you may see both the mean and median on your report form.

“WAIT!! Back up. How did you get from responses of SD, D, etc. to means and medians?” Great question! Glad you’re on the ball. First, you have to convert the “verbal” anchors into “numbers.”

(MEASUREMENT ALERT: Keep in mind that we started with a “qualitative scale” of verbal expressions of how students feel about each behavior and now we’re converting the words into a “quantitative scale” for the convenience of performing analysis of those feelings. Actually, this conversion involves an arbitrary numerical coding scheme.)

CREATE A ZERO-BASED NUMERICAL SCORE SCALE: For simplicity and interpretability, a zero-based scale is recommended, so that the most negative anchor, such as SD, would be coded as “0.” Zero-based scoring was originally recommended by Likert (1932), who created this scaling method. Then the other anchors would be coded in 1-point increments above 0.

Higher values weight more desirable or positive ratings higher than negative ones. SA or Strongly Agreeing with a desirable teaching behavior or course characteristic is weighted with the highest value of 3. An example of this coding for a 4-point, agree–disagree scale is shown below:

SD    D    A    SA
 0     1    2     3

The score range for this single item is 0 to 3. (Note: These score points will vary with the number of anchors and the base number on different scales. Yours may be one of these. Sometimes the number 1 is used as the base instead of 0. Although the number scale may be different, the final interpretation will be the similar.)

COMPUTATION OF ITEM MEANS AND MEDIANS: If you hate stat, this section may make you hurl. Skip it. (SIDEBAR: Over 30 years of teaching stat, I had lots of student hurlers.) For you interested nonhurlers, here are the simple computational definitions:

MEAN = the sum of all students’ scores to each item, divided by the number of students or N. This is the average score for an item, within the range of 0–3 for this example.

MEDIAN = the middle score, after all students’ scores are ranked from high to low.

An example report, based on the anchor data shown in the previous blog, is shown below:

                      SD       D         A        SA       N    Mean   Median
Statement 1   1.0%   3.1%   37.5%   58.6%   96    2.52    3.00
Statement 2   1.0     3.1     24.0     71.9     96    2.65    3.00
Statement 3   1.1     1.1     28.9     68.9     90    2.57    3.00

The median score of 3 means the typical student in the middle of the distribution rated those behaviors as SA. The means were slightly lower with ratings between A and SA. Those are very respectable scores. Of course, they are consistent with the anchor percentage distribution, where the highest percentages are concentrated on the A and SA anchors.

So which index should you use? Mean? Median? Or both? Ah ha! The statistical plot thickens. Stay tuned…

COPYRIGHT © 2010 Ronald A. Berk, LLC

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